advr.hlp (Topic list)
Visible Property Details
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 [form.][ctlname.]Visible[ = boolean%]
 Usage Notes
   ■ To hide a control at startup, set the Visible property to False at
     design time.
   ■ Setting the Visible property in code allows you to hide and later
     redisplay a control at run time in response to a particular event. For
     example, in response to a Click or KeyPress event in one control, you
     might redisplay another control. See: Click Event  KeyPress Event
   ■ Generally, the Visible property is used for control display, while the
     SHOW and HIDE methods are used to manipulate form display. However,
     using the SHOW and HIDE methods on a form is the same as setting the
     form's Visible property in code to True (-1) and False (0),
     respectively. See: SHOW Method  HIDE Method
   ■ No user events are processed while controls are invisible except Timer