advr.hlp (Topic list)
Cancel Property Details
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 commandbutton.Cancel[ = boolean%]
 Usage Notes
   ■ Regardless of which control has the focus, the Cancel button's Click
     event is invoked if the Esc key is pressed and the control with the
     focus does not receive a keyboard event (KeyDown, KeyPress, or KeyUp).
     See: KeyDown Event  KeyPress Event  KeyUp Event
   ■ A commmand button with its Cancel property set to True (-1) is referred
     to as the form's Cancel button. See: Command Button Control
   ■ Only one button on a form can be the Cancel button.
   ■ When Cancel is set to True (-1) for one button, it is automatically set
     to False (0) for all other buttons.
   ■ Use the Cancel property to give users the option of canceling
     uncommitted changes and returning the form to its previous state.
   ■ Code for the Cancel property should be placed in the command button's
     Click event. See: Click Event
   ■ For a form that supports an irreversible action such as a delete
     operation, make the Cancel button the default button. To do this, set
     the button's Default property to True (-1). See: Default Property