advr.hlp (Topic list)
Command Button Control Details
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 Usage Notes
   ■ A command button triggers an action when the user chooses it. A command
     button is sometimes called a push button because it appears to be
     pushed in when it has been chosen.
   ■ Setting the Value property of a command button to True (-1) invokes the
     command button's Click event. The Value property is always equal to
     True (-1) inside the Click event and is reset to False (0) outside the
     Click event. See: Value Property
   ■ The user chooses a command button either by clicking the button or by
     pressing Enter when the button has the focus. For example, the user can
     choose a command button to indicate that the entries in a dialog box are
     correct. The application then continues processing based on the user's
     dialog selections. See: Creating a Dialog Box  Focus Definition
   ■ To display text on a command button, set the Caption property.
     See: Caption Property
   ■ If you want the user to activate a command button by pressing Esc, set
     the Cancel property to True (-1). Only one button per form can have this
     setting. See: Cancel Property
   ■ If you want the user to activate a command button that does not have the
     focus by pressing Enter, set the Default property to True (-1). Only one
     button per form can have this setting. See: Default Property
   ■ The minimum size of a command button is 1 x 3; dimensions correspond to
     the Height and Width property settings. Specified settings that are less
     than the minimum value are set to the minimum value. Height settings 1
     and 2 change the appearance of the control:
         Height = 1            Height = 2                Height >= 3
         ══════════            ══════════════            ══════════════
         <Command1>            ┌──Command1──┐            ┌────────────┐
                               └────────────┘            │  Command1  │
     See: Height Property  Width Property