advr.hlp (Topic list)
File List Box Control Details
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 Usage Notes
   ■ A file list box allows the user to select files from an alphabetical
     list in a specified directory. This list includes all files in the
     current directory unless otherwise specified by the Path and Pattern
     properties. See: Path Property  Pattern Property
   ■ A Click event generated for a file list box recognizes the following
     event ordering: MouseDown, MouseUp, Click, DblClick.
     See: Click Event  DblClick Event  MouseMove Event  MouseUp Event
   ■ A DblClick event generated for a file list box recognizes the following
     event ordering: MouseDown, MouseUp, Click.
   ■ The Hidden, Archive, ReadOnly, System, and Normal properties determine
     the types of files that are displayed in the list.
     See: Archive Property   Hidden Property  Normal Property
          ReadOnly Property  System Property
   ■ Use a file list box when you want to create file-selection dialog boxes.
     See: Creating a Dialog Box
   ■ Use the List, ListCount, and ListIndex properties to access items that
     are displayed in the list box at run time.
     See: List Property  ListCount Property  ListIndex Property
   ■ The minimum size of file list box is 4 x 5; dimensions correspond to the
     Height and Width property settings. Specified settings that are less
     than the minimum value are set to the minimum value.
     See: Height Property  Width Property