advr.hlp (Topic list)
Frame Control Details
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 Usage Notes
   ■ A frame provides a visual and functional grouping for controls on a
     form. For example, you can separate one group of option buttons from
     another group to make a form more readable.
     See: Option Button Control
   ■ To group controls, draw the frame first, then draw controls inside the
     frame. This technique allows you to move the frame and the controls
     together as a single object.
   ■ The movement of child controls is always relative to the movement of the
     container or parent object.
     See: Container Definition  Parent and Child Relationships
   ■ To use a frame as a horizontal or vertical separator line, set its
     Height or Width property to 1.
   ■ Use the Caption property to assign a descriptive heading to a frame
     containing a group of controls. See: Caption Property
   ■ You can place up to 254 controls in a frame.
   ■ The minimum size of a frame allowed is 1 x 1. Dimensions correspond to
     the Height and Width property settings; specified settings that are less
     than the minimum value are set to the minimum value. A Height setting
     of 1 changes the appearance of the control:
                   Height = 1               Height >= 2
                   ════════════             ════════════
                   ┌─Frame1───┐             ┌─Frame1───┐
     See: Height Property  Width Property