advr.hlp (Topic list)
Picture Box Control Details
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 Usage Notes
   ■ Use a picture box when you want to surround text with custom border
     styles. To add a border to a picture box at design time:
     • Place a picture box on a form
     • Place child controls in the picture box
     • Use the PRINT method to display the characters you want to use as a
       border at run time
     See: Frame Control  PRINT Method
   ■ A picture box can be used as a visual container for controls, like a
     window or dialog box. You can place up to 254 controls in a picture
     box. A picture box can receive the focus even when it contains child
     controls. See: Parent and Child Relationships
   ■ Text written to a picture box at run time is clipped to fit within the
     border of the picture box.
   ■ To make picture box display persistent, set the AutoRedraw property to
     True (-1), or use the PRINT method in the Paint event procedure.
     See: AutoRedraw Property  Paint Event
   ■ The minimum size of a picture box is 1 x 1; dimensions correspond to the
     Height and Width property settings. Specified settings that are less
     than the minimum value are set to the minimum value.
     See: Height Property  Width Property