advr.hlp (Topic list)
SEEKGT, SEEKGE, SEEKEQ Statements Details
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 SEEKGT [#]filenumber% ,keyvalue [,keyvalue]...
 SEEKGE [#]filenumber% ,keyvalue [,keyvalue]...
 SEEKEQ [#]filenumber% ,keyvalue [,keyvalue]...
 Usage Notes
   ■ An index must be created before you can use any of the SEEKxx
     statements. See: CREATEINDEX Statement
   ■ The keyvalue is an expression less than 256 characters long that is
     evaluated based on the operand condition in the SEEKxx keyword. If more
     than one key value is specified, Visual Basic assumes the current index
     is based on the combination of their values.
   ■ The keyvalue expression must be explicitly typed if it is a DOUBLE or
     CURRENCY value.
   ■ If no match is found, the current index position is at the end of the
     table and there is no current record.
   ■ If the number of key values is greater than the number of values that
     makes up the current index, Visual Basic generates the error message,
     "Syntax error."
   ■ No error is generated if the number of key values is less than the
     number of values that makes up the current index. The SEEK operation
     either fails or is based on the key values supplied:
     • SEEKEQ with too few key values always fails
     • SEEKGE with too few key values is equivalent to a SEEKGT with the same
     • SEEKGT with too few key values seeks for the first record that matches
       the key values supplied
   ■ Visual Basic removes trailing spaces from strings used in a seek.