advr.hlp (Topic list)
StringLength Routine Details
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 length = StringLength(string-descriptor%);
 Usage Notes
   ■ The StringLength syntax is for the C language.
   ■ If you are not doing mixed-language programming, there is usually no
     reason to use StringLength. Instead, use LEN to find the length of a
     variable-length string. See: LEN Function
   ■ Calls to the StringLength routine are usually made from a non-Basic
     For example, assume that a MASM routine takes a pointer to a string
     descriptor as a parameter. MASM can find the length of the string data
     by using the following code:
          extrn        stringlength: far
          mov          ax, psdparm           ; offset of descriptor
          push         ax
          call         stringlength
   ■ The length of the string is returned in AX.