advr.hlp (Topic list)
Text Box Control Details
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 Usage Notes
   ■ A text box, sometimes called an edit field or edit control, is used to
     enter or display up to 32K of text. Data displayed in a text box can
     be defined at design time, or at run time by requesting input from the
   ■ Use the built-in capabilities of the CLIPBOARD object to write simple
     cut-and-paste routines using a text box. See: CLIPBOARD Object
   ■ At design time, only one line of text can be displayed in a text box
     regardless of the text box's size. To display multiple lines of text in
     a text box at run time, set the MultiLine property to True (-1).
     See: MultiLine Property
   ■ Use the VAL function to convert a string in a text box to an integer.
     See: VAL Function
   ■ The minimum size of a text box is 1 x 2; dimensions correspond to the
     Height and Width property settings. Specified settings that are less
     than the minimum value are ignored. When BorderStyle property = 1,
     Height settings 1 and 2 change the appearance of the control:
         Height = 1               Height = 2               Height >= 3
         ════════════             ════════════             ════════════
         [ Text1    ]             ┌──────────┐             ┌──────────┐
                                  └──────────┘             │ Text1    │
     See: BorderStyle Property  Height Property  Width Property
   ■ Even if the ScrollBar property is turned on, scroll bars attached to a
     text box will not be displayed unless the following settings are made:
         Scroll Bar            Border                 Text Box Property
         ══════════            ═══════════            ══════════════════════
         Horizontal            Present                Width > 3
         Horizontal            Not present            Width > 1
         Vertical              Present                Height > 3
         Vertical              Not present            Height > 1
     See: ScrollBars Property