Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
C-Style Comparison Operators
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     See also: .IF, .UNTIL, .WHILE, Relational operators
     Operator      Meaning
     ==            Equal
     !=            Not equal
     >             Greater than
     >=            Greater than or equal to
     <             Less than
     <=            Less than or equal to
     &             Bit test (format: expression & bitnumber)
     !             Logical NOT
     &&            Logical AND
     ||            Logical OR
     CARRY?        Carry bit set
     OVERFLOW?     Overflow bit set
     PARITY?       Parity bit set
     SIGN?         Sign bit set
     ZERO?         Zero bit set
     The comparison run-time operators are used to make comparisons
     between variables, registers, and constants as the program is
     being executed. Use these operators to give conditions for
     conditional-control directives (.IF, .UNTIL, .WHILE). These
     operators can be combined with other run- time operators and
     parentheses to form complex conditions.
     The conditional-control directives (.IF, .UNTIL, .WHILE) can also
     check the state of processor flags. The CARRY?, OVERFLOW?,
     PARITY?, SIGN?, and ZERO? flags can be used directly in a C-style
     For example:
       .IF   !PARITY? || ( AX == 0 ) ;Execute body of block if parity
             ∙                       ;flag is clear or if the AX
             ∙                       ;register is zero
     Note: The expression is evaluated from left to right, so in this
           example, the state of the parity flag is checked before the
           AX comparison.