Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Display Message during Assembly
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  Syntax:   ECHO message
  See also: .ERR, Expression Operator (%), IF, OUT Instruction,
            MASM 5.1 Compatibility
     Displays message during assembly. The message is usually output to
     the screen, but you can redirect it to a file or another device.
     This directive can help show which statements were assembled. %OUT
     is a synonym for ECHO and is included for compatibility.
     The <message> is any line of ASCII characters up to but not
     including any comment on the line. If angle brackets are used to
     enclose <message>, the angle brackets are displayed. To perform
     macro substitution, put the macro substitution operator (%) at the
     beginning of the line. Use a separate ECHO directive for each line.
     To output the time and date of assembly, insert this line in your
     source code:
        % ECHO       Assembled on @Date at @Time