Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Generate Error If Argument Is Zero/Nonzero
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  Syntax:   .ERRE expression [,message]
            .ERRNZ expression [,message]
  See also: IF, IFE, .ERR, .ERRB, .ERRDEF, .ERRDIF
     Tests value of <expression> and generates an error depending on
     the resulting value. The .ERRE directive generates an A2053 error
     if <expression> evaluates to false (zero). .ERRNZ generates an
     A2054 error if <expression> evaluates to true (nonzero). If
     <message> is given, it will be displayed with the standard
     assembler error message.
     Parameter      Description
     expression     Expression that evaluates to true, false, or a
                    numeric constant. The expression cannot contain
                    forward references.
     message        Programmer-supplied error message, any text item.
                    See: textitem