Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Local Code Labels
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  Syntax:   [instruction] @F
            @@: [statement]
                [instruction] @B
  See also: B Radix Override, LABEL, Colon(:)
     The @@: label defines a local code label, which is in effect until
     the next instance of @@:. The @F and @B operands can be used in
     conditional and unconditional jump statements to jump to the next
     and previous @@: label respectively.
     The @@: label is useful for defining a nearby jump point where a
     full label is not appropriate.
           cmp     ax, 18h
           jg      @F
           ∙                  ;Less than or equal
     @@:                      ;Greater than
           mov     cx, 640    ;Set count
           ∙                  ;Loop statements
           loop    @B         ;Loop back