Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
@MovePtrAbs and @MovPtrRel Macros
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  Include:   DOS.INC
  Syntax:    @MovePtrAbs handle [,distance]
             @MovePtrRel handle [,distance]
  Summary:   Moves the file pointer in an open file. The pointer can be
             moved to an absolute position, or relative to its current
  Arguments: <handle>       Previously opened file handle.
             <distance>     Distance to move pointer (16-bit) constant
                            or a 16- or 32-bit variable; or leave
                            blank and set distance in CX:DX before
                            macro call.
  Returns:   If carry: clear, file pointer position in DX:AX
  Modifies:  AX, BX, CX, DX
  See also:  Int 21h Function 42h