Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Set Page Size
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  Syntax:   PAGE [[length], width]
  See also: PAGE +, TITLE, SUBTITLE, /S<x>
     Sets maximum number of lines per page (length) and maximum number
     of characters per line (width) for listing files. Generates a page
     break if no arguments are given. A zero for <width> means that the
     assembler does not generate line breaks. A zero for <length> means
     that the assembler does not generate page breaks.
     The <length> parameter is a number between 10 to 255 lines (default
     is 0). The <width> parameter is a number between 60 to 255
     characters (default is 0). To specify width without changing the
     default length, omit the length parameter and precede <width> with
     a comma.