Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
@Read Macro
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  Include:   DOS.INC
  Syntax:    @Read buffer, length [,[handle] [,segment]]
  Summary:   Reads data from a file or device
  Arguments: <buffer>      Offset of buffer where data will be stored.
                           Must be an offset address.
             <length>      Length of data in bytes.
             <handle>      File or device handle; if none given,
                           keyboard (handle 0) is assumed.
             <segment>     Segment of address string; DS if not given.
  Returns:   If carry: clear, bytes read in AX
  Modifies:  AX, DX, BX, CX; DS if segment changed
  See also:  Int 21h Function 3Fh, @Write