Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  Syntax:   SETIF2:{TRUE│FALSE}
  See also: MASM 5.1 Compatibility
     By default, MASM 6.1 does not recognize pass-dependent constructs.
     Unlike version 5.1, MASM 6.1 does most of its work on its first pass,
     then performs as many subsequent passes as necessary. In contrast,
     MASM 5.1 always assembles in two source passes.
     Both the OPTION M510 and OPTION SETIF2 statements force MASM 6.1 to
     handle MASM 5.1 constructs that activate on the second assembly pass,
     such as .ERR2, IF2, and ELSEIF2.
     To assure compatibility, MASM 6.1 supports 5.1 directives referring to
     two passes. These include .ERR1, .ERR2, IF1, IF2, ELSEIF1, and ELSEIF2.
     For second pass constructs, you must specify OPTION SETIF2. Without
     OPTION SETIF2, the IF2 and .ERR2 directives cause error A2061
     When set to TRUE, OPTION SETIF2 forces all second-pass constructs
     to activate on every assembly pass. When set to FALSE, second-pass
     constructs do not activate on any pass. OPTION M510 implies
     MASM 6.1 handles first-pass constructs differently. It treats the .ERR1
     directive as .ERR, and the IF1 directive as IF.