Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Large Memory Model: Details
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     The large memory model allows multiple segments for both program
     code and program data. This memory model causes the assembler to
     produce files with the .EXE extension.
     The defaults in large-memory programs are FAR code addressing and
     FAR data addressing. The PROC distance is FAR under the
     large-model option. @CodeSize is 1, @DataSize is 1, and @Model is
     The huge model is identical to the large model for assembly
     language programs, but @CodeSize is 1, @DataSize is 2, and @Model
     is 6. It is provided for code documentation and consistency with
     other languages. In other languages, the huge memory model allows
     the compiler to control data items that span data segments. In
     assembly language, this type of data must be handled by the user.
     See also: .MODEL