Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Tiny Memory Model: Details
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     The tiny memory model allows you to create a program with the .COM
     extension. Tiny-model programs execute only under DOS, are limited
     to 16-bit segments, and cannot have relocatable addresses. You can
     invoke the assembler with the /AT option to use this memory model.
     This tells the assembler to check for relocatable addresses. The
     /AT option also passes the /T option to the linker.
     With the tiny-model option, code and data segments are combined
     into a single 64K segment. Both code and data items are accessed
     with NEAR addresses. The PROC distance is NEAR under the tiny-
     model option. @CodeSize is 0, @DataSize is 0, and @Model is 1.
     The .STARTUP directive automatically generates an ORG 0100h under
     the tiny-model option. The .FARDATA and .FARDATA? directives are
     not allowed with the tiny-model option. The FARSTACK option of
     the .MODEL directive is also not allowed.
     See also: /AT Assembler Option, Linker Options, .MODEL, ORG