Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 13h Function 00h
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  Interrupt:   13h     Function:   00h
  Title:       Reset Disk System
  Description:                                          [PC] [AT] [PS/2]
     Resets the disk controller, recalibrates its attached drives (the
     read/write arm is moved to cylinder 0), and prepares for disk I/O.
     Input                              Output
     AH = 00h                           If function successful
     DL = Drive                           Carry flag: clear
        = 00h-7Fh floppy disk             AH = 00h
        = 80h-FFh fixed disk
                                        If function unsuccessful
                                          Carry flag: set
                                          AH = Status
                                          See: Int 13h Function 01h