Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 15h Function 91h
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     Predefined device types that may use Device Post are:
     00h     Disk (may time-out)
     01h     Floppy disk (may time-out)
     02h     Keyboard (no time-out)
     03h     Pointing device (PS/2, may time-out)
     80h     Network (no time-out)
     The ROM BIOS printer routine does not invoke this function because
     printer output is not interrupt driven.
     A multitasking program manager would be expected to capture Int
     15h Function 91h so that it can be notified when I/O is completed
     and awaken the requesting task. The default BIOS routine for this
     function simply returns with the carry flag clear and AH = 00h.