Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 15h Function C3h
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  Interrupt:   15h     Function:   C3h
  Title:       Set Watchdog Time-Out
  Description:                                                    [PS/2]
     Enables or disables a watchdog timer. The watchdog timer generates
     an NMI interrupt.
     This function is not available on the PS/2 Models 25 and 30.
     Input                                       Output
     AH = C3h                                    If function successful
     AL = Subfunction                              Carry flag: clear
        = 00h Disable watchdog time-out
        = 01h Enable watchdog time-out           If function unsuccessful
     BX = Watchdog timer counter (if AL = 01h)     Carry flag: set