Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 16h Functions 00h and 10h
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  Interrupt:   16h     Functions:  00h and 10h
  Title:       Read Character from Keyboard
  See also:    Int 16h Functions 01h and 11h, Keyboard Scan Codes,
               ASCII Chart, Character Input, Keyboard Data Memory
  Description:                                          [PC] [AT] [PS/2]
     Reads a character and scan code from the keyboard type-ahead
     buffer. Use Function 10h if the code must handle the additional
     keys of the enhanced keyboard (such as F11, F12, and cursor
     control keys).
     You can use the keyboard data byte at 0000:0496h to
     determine if the extended keyboard is available.
     Input                                  Output
     AH = 00h to read any keyboard          AH = Keyboard scan code
        = 10h to read extended keyboard     AL = ASCII character