Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 16h Function 03h
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  Interrupt:   16h     Function:   03h
  Title:       Set Repeat Rate
  Description:                                          [PC] [AT] [PS/2]
     Sets the ROM BIOS key repeat ("typematic") rate and delay.
     Input                                         Output
     On the PC/AT and PS/2                         None
       AH = 03h
       AL = 05h
       BH = Repeat delay
       BL = Repeat rate
     On the PCjr
       AH = 03h
       AL = Subfunction
          = 00h Restore default rate and delay
          = 01h Increase initial delay
          = 02h Decrease repeat rate by one-half
          = 03h Increase delay and decrease
                repeat rate by one-half
          = 04h Turn off keyboard repeat