Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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     Procedures can be accessed across source files in the following
                   │                                │
                   │ Task      PROTO C FAR arg:WORD │
                  │                                  │
     ┌─USER.ASM───┴──────────┐          ┌─TOOLS.ASM──┴────────────────┐
     │                       │          │                             │
     │ INCLUDE   TOOLS.INC   │          │ INCLUDE   TOOLS.INC         │
     │                       │          │                             │
     │ INVOKE    Task, 5     │          │ Task      PROC C FAR \     │
     └───────────────────────┘          │             USES cx dx,     │
                                        │             arg:WORD        │
                                        │           ∙                 │
                                        │           ∙                 │
                                        │           ∙                 │
                                        │           ret               │
                                        │ Task      ENDP              │
     NOTE: The PROC and INVOKE directives do not need to explicitly
           state the C and FAR attributes, because the PROTO directive
           sets them automatically.