Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 06h
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     No special action is taken upon entry of CTRL+C when this
     function is used.
     To read extended ASCII codes (such as the special function keys F1
     to F10) on the IBM PC and compatibles, you must call this function
     twice. The first call returns the value 00h to signal the presence
     of an extended code.
     You can read the keyboard by issuing a read (Int 21h Function
     3Fh) using the predefined handle for the standard input (0000h)
     if input has not been redirected or a handle obtained by opening
     the logical device CON.
     You can send characters to the display by issuing a write (Int 21h
     Function 40h) using the predefined handle for the standard output
     (0001h) if output has not been redirected. You can also issue a
     write using a handle obtained by opening the logical device CON.