Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 22h
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     The record is written (logically, not necessarily physically) to
     the file from memory at the current disk transfer address,
     specified by the most recent call to Int 21h Function 1Ah. If the
     size and location of the buffer are such that a segment overflow
     or wraparound would occur, the function fails with a return code
     of 02h.
     The file location of the data to be written is determined by the
     combination of the relative-record field (offset 21h) and the
     record size field (offset 0Eh) of the FCB. The default record size
     is 128 bytes.
     The current block field (offset 0Ch) and current record field
     (offset 20h) are updated to agree with the relative-record field
     as a side effect of the function.
     The relative-record field of the FCB is not incremented by this
     function; it is the responsibility of the application to update
     the FCB appropriately if it wishes to write successive records.
     Compare with Int 21h Function 28h, which can write multiple
     records with one function call and automatically increments the
     relative-record field.
     If a record is written beyond the current end-of-file, the space
     between the old end-of-file and the new record is allocated but
     not initialized.
     [Version 3.0+]
     If the program is running on a network, the user must have Write
     access rights to the directory containing the file to be written.