Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 2Bh
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   2Bh
  Title:       Set Date
  See also:    Get Date, Set Time, Get or Set File Date and Time,
     Initializes the system clock driver to a specific date. The system
     time is not affected. This function's register format is the same
     as that required for Int 21h Function 2Ah (Get Date).
     Input                             Output
     AH = 2Bh                          AL = 00h (if date set
     CX = Year (1980 through 2099)               successfully)
     DH = Month (1 through 12)            = FFh (if date not valid
     DL = Day (1 through 31)                     (ignored))