Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 41h
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     This function deletes a file by replacing the first character of
     its filename in the directory with the character e (E5h) and
     marking the file's clusters as "free" in the disk's file
     allocation table. The actual data stored in those clusters is not
     Only one file at a time may be deleted with this function. Unlike
     the FCB-related Delete File function (Int 21h Function 13h), the *
     and ? wildcard characters are not allowed in the file
     The function fails if
        ■ Any element of the path name does not exist.
        ■ The designated file exists but has the read-only attribute
          (Int 21h Function 43h can be used to examine and modify a
          file's attribute before attempting to delete it).
        ■ [Version 3.0+] The program is running on a network, and the user
          running the program has insufficient access rights.