Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 4Dh
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   4Dh
  Title:       Get Return Code
  See also:    Execute Program
     Used by a parent process, after the successful execution of an
     EXEC call (Int 21h Function 4Bh), to obtain the return code and
     termination type of a child process.
     Input        Output
     AH = 4Dh     AH = Exit type
                     = 00h (if normal termination by Int 20h, Int 21h
                            Function 0, or Int 21h Function 4Ch)
                     = 01h (if termination by user's entry of CTRL+C)
                     = 02h (if termination by critical-error handler)
                     = 03h (if termination by Int 21h Function 31h or
                            Int 27h)
                  AL = Return code passed by child process (0 if child
                       terminated by Int 20h, Int 21h Function 00h, or
                       Int 27h)