Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
EA Calculation Times
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     Use this chart to determine how many clock cycles are needed for
     effective address calculation time (EA) on the 8086/8088 processors
     and 8087 coprocessor:
     Components              EA Clocks     Examples
     Displacement            6             mov   ax, stuff
                                           mov   ax, stuff+2
     Base or index           5             mov   ax, [bx]
                                           mov   ax, [di]
     Displacement plus       6             mov   ax, [bp+8]
     base or index                         mov   ax, stuff[di]
     BP+DI or BX+SI          7             mov   ax, [bx+si]
                                           mov   ax, [bx+di]
     BP+SI or BX+DI          8             mov   ax, [bx+di]
                                           mov   ax, [bp+si]
     BP+DI+disp              11            mov   ax, stuff[bx+si]
     or BX+SI+disp                         mov   ax, [bp+di+8]
     BP+SI+disp              12            mov   ax, stuff[bx+di]
     or BX+DI+disp                         mov   ax, [bx+di+20]
     Segment override        EA+2          mov   ax, es:stuff
                                           mov   ax, ds:[bp+10]