Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Data Transfer Instructions
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     Select an instruction for more information.
     Instruction     Description
     MOV             Move data
     MOVS            Move string data
     MOVSX           Move with sign extension (386+)
     MOVZX           Move with zero extension (386+)
     XCHG            Exchange (switch values between two operands)
     LODS            Load string data
     STOS            Store string data
     LEA             Load effective address (calculate address of
                     memory operand)
     LDS             Load far pointer to data segment (DS)
     LES/LFS/LGS     Load far pointer to extra segment (ES/FS/GS)
     LSS             Load far pointer to stack segment (SS) (386+)
     XLAT            Translate (translate value by using a table in
     CBW             Convert byte to word
     CWD             Convert word to doubleword (386+)
     CDQ             Convert doubleword to quadword (386+)
     CWDE            Convert word to doubleword with extension (386+)
     BSWAP           Reverse order of bytes in 32-bit register (486+)
     PUSH            Push value or register onto the stack
     POP             Pop stack into register
     BOUND           Check array boundaries (186+)
     See also: Simplified Segments, Flag Manipulation,
               Stack Instructions