Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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;* GetShift - Gets current shift status. Checks for extended keyboard,
;* and if available returns additional shift information.
;* Shows:   BIOS Interrupt - 16h, Functions 2 and 12h (Get Keyboard Flags)
;* Params:  None
;* Return:  Long integer
;*          high word = 0 for non-extended keyboard
;*                      1 for extended keyboard
;*          low word has following bits set when indicated keys are pressed:
;*          0 - Right shift                   8 - Left Ctrl
;*          1 - Left shift                    9 - Left Alt
;*          2 - Ctrl                         10 - Right Ctrl
;*          3 - Alt                          11 - Right Alt
;*          4 - Scroll Lock active           12 - Scroll Lock pressed
;*          5 - Num Lock active              13 - Num Lock pressed
;*          6 - Caps Lock active             14 - Caps Lock pressed
;*          7 - Insert toggled               15 - Sys Req pressed
GetShift PROC
        sub     dx, dx                  ; Assume non-extended keyboard
        mov     ah, 2                   ;   and use Function 2
        mov     es, dx                  ; Point ES to low memory
        .IF     BYTE PTR es:[496h] & 16 ; If extended keyboard installed,
        inc     dx                      ;   Set high word of return code
        mov     ah, 12h                 ;   and use Function 12h
        int     16h                     ; Get Keyboard Flags
GetShift ENDP