Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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;* NewBlockSize - Adjusts size of allocated memory block.
;* Shows:   DOS Function - 4Ah (Resize Memory Block)
;* Params:  Adr - Segment address of block
;*          Resize - Requested block size in paragraphs
;* Return:  Short integer error code
;*          0 if successful
;*          1 if error
NewBlockSize PROC,
        Adr:WORD, Resize:WORD
        mov     ax, Adr                 ; Get block address
        mov     es, ax                  ; Point ES to block
        mov     bx, Resize              ; New block size
        mov     ah, 4Ah                 ; Function number
        int     21h                     ; Resize Memory Block
NewBlockSize ENDP