Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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;* Rewind - Rewinds an open file, specified by handle. See the GetFileSize
;* procedure for an example of using Function 42h to determine file size.
;* Shows:   DOS Function - 42h (Set File Pointer)
;* Params:  Handle - File handle
;* Return:  None
Rewind  PROC,
        mov     bx, Handle              ; BX = file handle
        mov     ax, 4200h               ; AH = function #,
                                        ; AL = move to beginning of
        sub     cx, cx                  ;      file plus offset
        sub     dx, dx                  ; CX:DX = offset (zero)
        int     21h                     ; Set File Pointer
Rewind  ENDP