Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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;* WriteTTY - Displays ASCIIZ string at cursor position, in either text
;* or graphics mode.
;* Shows:   BIOS Interrupt - 10h, Function 0Eh (Write Character in TTY Mode)
;* Uses:    vconfig - Video configuration structure (initialized
;*          by calling the GetVidConfig procedure)
;* Params:  Sptr - Pointer to ASCIIZ string
;*          icolor - Color index (for graphics mode only)
;* Return:  None
WriteTTY PROC USES ds si,
        Sptr:PBYTE, icolor:WORD
        mov     bx, icolor              ; BL = color index
        mov     bh, vconfig.dpage       ; BH = current display page
        LoadPtr ds, si, Sptr
        mov     cx, -1                  ; Set loop counter to maximum
        mov     ah, 14                  ; Function 14
        lodsb                           ; Get character from string
        .BREAK .IF al == 0              ; Exit if NULL string terminator
        int     10h                     ; No?  Display, advance cursor