Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Assembly Language Statement Format
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     Format: [Name] [Operation] [Operands] [;Comment]
     Each line of source code consists of a single statement, of up to
     512 characters. Statements can be entered in either uppercase or
     lowercase letters. Each field (except the comment field) must be
     separated from other fields by a space or tab character.
     See also: Labeling (:/::), Strings ("), Comments (;)
     Field        Purpose
     Name          Defines a label that can be accessed from elsewhere
                   in the program. If the statement is a data
                   directive, this field is a variable name. If the
                   statement is an instruction, this field is a code
     Operation     States the action of the statement. This field
                   contains either an instruction or a directive.
     Operands      Lists the item(s) to be operated on.
     Comment       Provides a comment for the user. This field is for
                   documentation purposes only and is ignored by the