Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Concatenate Strings
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  Syntax:   @CatStr(string[, string...])
            name CATSTR [textitem[, textitem...]]
  See also: SUBSTR, SIZESTR, INSTR, TEXTEQU, Angle Brackets (<>),
            expression operator (%)
     The @CatStr macro function concatenates one or more text items.
     The result can be used anywhere a text item is appropriate. The
     @CatStr function will not expand macros or expressions unless
     you use the expression operator (%).
     The CATSTR directive concatenates strings and assigns the result
     to <name>. These two lines are equivalent:
          language   TEXTEQU  @CatStr (<Quick>, <Pascal>)
          language   CATSTR   <Quick>, <Pascal>
     The <name> is a unique symbolic name, <string> is a text string,
     and <textitem> is a text item.
     See: text item