Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
@PutCharAtr and @PutChar Macros
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  Include:   BIOS.INC
  Syntax:    @PutCharAtr [character] [,[attrib] [,[page] [,count]]]
             @PutChar [character] [,[page] [,count]]
  Summary:   Puts one or more characters and attributes at the current
             cursor position. For @PutChar, the current attribute is
             used in text modes and any specified attribute is ignored.
  Arguments: <character>     8-bit ASCII character to put; if none
                             given, AL used.
             <attrib>        8-bit attribute to put; if none given,
                             BL used.
             <page>          8-bit page to put on; if none given, 0
             <count>         Number to put; if none given, 1 assumed.
  Returns:   No return value
  Modifies:  AX, BX, CX
  See also:  Int 10h Functions 09h and 0Ah, @GetCharAtr