Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Set Default Radix (Number Base)
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  Syntax:   .RADIX expression
  See also: Radix Specifiers, PUSHCONTEXT, MASM 5.1 Compatibility
     Sets the default radix (base) for integer constants to the value
     of <expression>. The default radix at the start of assembly is 10.
     The .RADIX directive does not affect floating-point constants or
     numbers that have explicit radix overrride tags:
     Tag        Base
     H          hexadecimal
     O or Q     octal
     T          decimal
     Y          binary
     R          floating point
     With a radix of 10 or below, you can use the characters B (b) and D
     (d) as the radix override characters for base 2 and base 10,
     The <expression> must evaluate to a decimal number in the range 2
     to 16 and cannot contain forward references.
     If the current radix in your code is greater than 10 decimal, MASM 6.1
     allows the radix specifiers B (binary) and D (decimal) only in
     compatibility mode. You must change B to Y for binary, and D to T for
     decimal, since both B and D are legitimate hexadecimal values, making
     numbers such as 12D ambiguous. If you want to keep B and D as radix
     specifiers when the current radix is greater than 10, you must specify
     OPTION M510.