Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Generate Start-Up/Exit Code
 Example                                   Up Contents Index Back
  Syntax:   .STARTUP
            .EXIT [expression]
  See also: .MODEL, END, ORG, INCLUDELIB, @Exit DOS Macro,
            Table of Memory Models
     The .STARTUP directive generates start-up code for the given CPU
     type and the memory model, operating system, and stack type
     defined by the .MODEL directive. Defines a start-address label,
     so that you don't need to give a start address with END. .STARTUP
     initializes DS, SS, and SP under DOS.
     The .EXIT directive generates code that terminates the program and
     returns control to the operating system or calling program. Use of
     the <expression> parameter returns a numeric exit code to the
     operating system or calling program.
     The <expression> parameter is an optional return code that can be
     read by the calling program or by a batch file. It can be a byte-
     sized register (word-sized under OS_OS2), memory location, or
     With the TINY model, the .STARTUP directive also generates an
     ORG 100h.
     The .MODEL directive must precede these directives. The default
     OSType is DOS.
     To use the .EXIT directive under OS/2, you must link with a library
     that provides a termination procedure with a prototype.