bas7advr.hlp (Topic list)
SCREEN Statement Details
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The SCREEN statement sets a screen mode for a particular combination of
display and adapter.
SCREEN  mode% [, [colorswitch%] [, [apage%] [,vpage%]] ]
Optimization Note
    ■ If mode% is an expression, rather than a constant, and if you
      know your program will not use certain screen modes, you can
      achieve a smaller .EXE file by linking with one or more stub files:
          If not using screen modes:          Link to file:
          ══════════════════════════          ═════════════
          1 or 2                              NOCGA.OBJ
          3                                   NOHERC.OBJ
          4                                   NOOGA.OBJ
          7, 8, 9, or 10                      NOEGA.OBJ
          11, 12, or 13                       NOVGA.OBJ
    ■ If you do not need graphics in your custom run-time module (because
      the programs use screen mode 0 only), you can save 15K by creating
      the run-time module with NOGRAPH.OBJ.
Syntax Notes
    ■ See Screen Mode Summary for a list of the valid
      mode% numbers.
    ■ The argument colorswitch% is effective only for screen modes 0 and 1
      and for composite monitors:
                                       Screen mode 0     Screen mode 1
                                       ═════════════     ══════════════
      To disable color, use...         0                 A non-zero value
      To enable color, use...          A non-zero value  0
    ■ See Adapters and Displays for the valid ranges for apage% and vpage%
      for each graphics adapter.
    ■ See Attributes and Colors for a list of the default color attributes
      for different screen modes.