bas7ener.hlp (Topic list)
Make Library Dialog
Use to create a Quick library from currently loaded modules.
                                          Type a filename
  Quick-Library File Name: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ─── (default extension
                                          is QLB).
┌───────────── Speed ────────────┐
│                                │  Compiler generates
│ ▒ Code Generation for 286 /G2 ── 286-specific
│                                │  instructions.
│                                │
│ ▒ Quick Call Optimization /Ot ── Compiler optimizes EXE
│                                │  speed for subs and
└────────────────────────────────┘  functions (See
                                    Programmer's Guide).
    Option │Default │Condition
     /G2   │   ON   │ If you are running on a 286 or higher
           │        │ processor
     /Ot   │   ON   │
Writes quoted strings    ┌──────── Size/Capacity ─────────┐
to an .OBJ file without  │                                │
compressing them. ────────▒ Disable String Compression /S│
                         │                                │
Use the /S option if your program contains many strings and
generates an "Out of Memory" error when you compile it.
The default for the /S option is OFF.
Generates debugging      ┌───────────── Debug ────────────┐
code for run-time        │                                │
error checking. ──────────▒ Run-Time Error Checking   /D │
                         │                                │
Adds CodeView debugging  │                                │
information to an .OBJ ───▒ CodeView Information     /Zi │
file.                    │                                │
The default for the Debug options is OFF.
    ┌─── Creates a Quick library and returns to QBX.
┌── ▼ ───────────────────────────────────────┐
│ < Make Library > < Make Library and Exit > │
└─────────────────── ▲ ──────────────────────┘
                     └─ Creates a Quick library and
                        returns to DOS.
All Make Library options are written to QBX.INI when you
exit QBX and reloaded when QBX is started.
Note: Make Library always uses the 80x87 Emulator Math
      option (/FPi) and the Far String option (/Fs).
The modules for a Quick library can come from single-module
program files, multiple-module program files, or existing
Quick library files.
To create a Quick library from single-module program files:
    ■ Load each file with Load File from the File menu.
    ■ Choose Make Library from the Run menu.
To create a Quick library from multiple-module files:
    ■ Load the program into memory.
    ■ Use Unload File from the File menu to eliminate any
      modules you don't want included.
    ■ Choose Make Library command from the Run menu.
To add modules to an existing Quick library:
    ■ Invoke the QBX environment with the /L option to load
      the Quick library.
    ■ Use Load File from the File menu to add additional
    ■ Choose Make Library from the Run menu to create a new