bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
CALL, CALLS Statements (Non-BASIC Procedures)
  Syntax  Details  Example                 Contents  Index  Back
CALL name [(call-argumentlist)]
name [call-argumentlist]
CALLS name [(calls-argumentlist)]
    ■ name                 The name of the non-BASIC procedure being called.
    ■ call-argumentlist    The variables, arrays, or expressions passed to
                           the procedure. For syntax, see Details.
    ■ calls-argumentlist   The variables or expressions CALLS passes to the
                           procedure. For syntax, see Details.
    ■ Use the CALL and CALLS syntax described above for invoking non-BASIC
      procedures. To invoke a BASIC procedure, see CALL (BASIC).
See Also    DECLARE (Non-BASIC)