bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DRAW Statement
  Syntax             Example                 Contents  Index  Back
DRAW stringexpression$
    ■ stringexpression$    Contains one or more drawing commands; the
                           drawing commands combine many of the capabilities
                           of the other graphics statements (such as LINE and
                           COLOR) into a graphics macro language.
    ■ Line-Drawing and Cursor-Movement Commands
        [B]          Move without plotting  [N]    Plot and return
        U[n]         Up                     E[n]   Diagonally up and right
        D[n]         Down                   F[n]   Diagonally down and right
        L[n]         Left                   G[n]   Diagonally down and left
        R[n]         Right                  H[n]   Diagonally up and left
        M[{+|-}]x,y  Move to point x,y
                     (or relative move)
    ■ Color, Scale, and Rotation Commands
        Cn           Change the drawing (foreground) color
                     (SCREEN mode determines valid values for 'n')
        Pp,b         Fill enclosed shape that has border color 'b'
                     with color 'p'
        Sn           Increase or decrease length of moves (n=4 default)
        An           Rotate (n * 90) degrees, where n = 0, 1, 2, or 3
        TAn          Rotate (0 <= n <= 360) degrees
    ■ To execute substrings within a DRAW command, use a command of the form:
       "X" + VARPTR$(string-expression)
    ■ DRAW commands coded for BASICA must be revised before they will
      run with BASIC.
See Also    PALETTE, PALETTE USING  SCREEN Statement  VARPTR$ Function
            X, The Substring Command    Differences from BASICA