bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
  Syntax             Example                 Contents  Index  Back
    ■ a$,b$    Two strings whose relative order as they would be
               sorted by an ISAM index is compared. Only the first
               255 characters are considered.
    ■ The comparison is not case sensitive ("A" is the same as "a"), and
      any trailing spaces are removed.
    ■ TEXTCOMP uses the International Character Sort Order Tables for
      sorting international characters. See Appendix E in the BASIC
      Language Reference.
    An integer value 1, 0, or -1, depending on the relative positions
    of a$ and b$ as they would be sorted by an ISAM index:
     -1    When a$ precedes b$.
      1    When a$ follows b$.
      0    When a$ is equivalent to b$.
See Also    SetFormatCC