bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PUT Statement (Graphics)
  Syntax  Details  Example                 Contents  Index  Back
PUT [STEP] (x!,y!),arrayname# [(indexes%)] [,actionverb]
    ■ STEP         Enables use of relative coordinates.
    ■ (x!,y!)      Screen coordinates of the upper-left corner of the
                   rectangle where you want the stored image displayed.
    ■ arrayname#   Indicates the array where the image is stored.
    ■ indexes%     Enable you to start retrieving the image information
                   from an array element other than the first one.
    ■ actionverb   Displays the image with special effects (XOR default):
PSET    Draws image as stored, wiping   │ XOR   Reverses points in the image
        out any existing image.         │       with those in existing image
PRESET  Draws image in reverse colors,  │       or with background.
        wiping out any existing image.  │       Used in successive PUT
AND     Merges stored image with        │       statements, with time delays,
        existing image.                 │       causes stored image to appear
OR      Superimposes stored image on    │       and disappear. With movement
        existing image.                 │       of image, animation achieved.
See Also    GET Statement (Graphics)