bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
BASIC and ISAM Variable Naming Conventions
  Constants  Data Types                      Contents  Index  Back
                         Variable Naming Conventions
                BASIC                                   ISAM
  40 characters or fewer. Not case             30 characters or fewer.
  sensitive.                                   Not case sensitive.
  Alphanumeric characters, the decimal         Alphanumeric characters only,
  point plus the BASIC type-declaration        including A-Z, a-z, and 0-9.
  characters (%,&,!,#,@, and $) where
  appropriate (variables and functions).
  Must begin with alphabetic character;        Must begin with alphabetic
  only DEF FN functions can begin with fn.     character.
  The period is not allowed in names of        No special characters
  elements in a user-defined type.             allowed.
  Because these are names BASIC and
  ISAM have in common, there is no
See Also    BASIC Data Types    Declaring Simple Variables
            ISAM Data Types     Declaring Array Variables
            Variable Names      Assigning Values to Variables
            Scope Rules         Variable Storage and Memory Use
                                  Automatic and Static Variables