C/C++ Compiler (cl.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Listing Files
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─────C/C++ Compiler─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Option   Default Name               File Type
     /Fs      sourcefilename.LST         Source listing
     /Fl      sourcefilename.COD         Object listing
     /Fa      sourcefilename.ASM         Assembly listing
     /Fc      sourcefilename.COD         Combined source and object
     /Fm      first-sourcefilename.MAP   Linker-map
     The combination and listing order of options affect the result:
     Option          Effect
     /Fc             Overrides /Fa and /Fl
     /Fa and /Fl     /Fl overrides /Fa
     /Fa and /Fs     Produces combined listing
     /Fm and /c      Linking is suppressed; /Fm is ignored
     /Fe and /c      Linking is suppressed; /Fe is ignored
     /Fs and /Fl     Produces compiled source-, assembler-,
                     and machine-code listing
     See also: Source-Listing Format Options
               Device Names