C/C++ Compiler (cl.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Customize Windows Entry/Exit Code (/GE)
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─────C/C++ Compiler─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Syntax:  /GEstring
     The /GE option gives you control over the entry/exit code that the
     compiler produces for Windows functions. It can only be used with
     the /GA and the /GD options. The <string> argument is one or more
     letters, with no intervening spaces, from the following list:
     Letter               Optimizing Procedure
     /GEr                 Generates real-mode entry/exit code: /Gw code
                          for functions marked as __export and /GW code
                          for all other far functions. The /GEr option
                          cannot be combined with any other /GE option.
     /GEm                 Specifies generation of code to mark the far
     /GEf                 Generates Windows call-back entry/exit
                          sequences for all far functions. To make these
                          functions accessible from other execution
                          units, You must explicitly mark them as
                          __export or declare them in the EXPORT section
                          of a module definition file.
     /GEa, /GEd, /GEs     Loads DS from AX (a), DGROUP (d), or SS (s).
                          Specify only one letter.
     /GEe                 Forces emission of linker EXPDEF records.
     See: Conflicts Between __fastcall and Windows Entry/Exit Code